- #!/bin/bash
- # Imgur script by Bart Nagel <bart@tremby.net>
- # Improvements by Tino Sino <robottinosino@gmail.com>
- # Version 6 or more
- # I release this into the public domain. Do with it what you will.
- # The latest version can be found at https://github.com/tremby/imgur.sh
- # API Key provided by Bart;
- # replace with your own or specify yours as IMGUR_CLIENT_ID envionment variable
- # to avoid limits
- default_client_id=17385cf5260cef9
- client_id="${IMGUR_CLIENT_ID:=$default_client_id}"
- # Function to output usage instructions
- function usage {
- echo "Usage: $(basename $0) [<filename|URL> [...]]" >&2
- echo
- echo "Upload images to imgur and output their new URLs to stdout. Each one's" >&2
- echo "delete page is output to stderr between the view URLs." >&2
- echo
- echo "A filename can be - to read from stdin. If no filename is given, stdin is read." >&2
- echo
- echo "If xsel, xclip, or pbcopy is available, the URLs are put on the X selection for" >&2
- echo "easy pasting." >&2
- }
- # Function to upload a path
- # First argument should be a content spec understood by curl's -F option
- function upload {
- curl -s -H "Authorization: Client-ID $client_id" -H "Expect: " -F "image=$1" https://api.imgur.com/3/image.xml
- # The "Expect: " header is to get around a problem when using this through
- # the Squid proxy. Not sure if it's a Squid bug or what.
- }
- # Check arguments
- if [ "$1" == "-h" -o "$1" == "--help" ]; then
- usage
- exit 0
- elif [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
- echo "No file specified; reading from stdin" >&2
- exec "$0" -
- fi
- # Check curl is available
- type curl &>/dev/null || {
- echo "Couldn't find curl, which is required." >&2
- exit 17
- }
- clip=""
- errors=false
- # Loop through arguments
- while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
- file="$1"
- shift
- # Upload the image
- if [[ "$file" =~ ^https?:// ]]; then
- # URL -> imgur
- response=$(upload "$file") 2>/dev/null
- else
- # File -> imgur
- # Check file exists
- if [ "$file" != "-" -a ! -f "$file" ]; then
- echo "File '$file' doesn't exist; skipping" >&2
- errors=true
- continue
- fi
- response=$(upload "@$file") 2>/dev/null
- fi
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "Upload failed" >&2
- errors=true
- continue
- elif echo "$response" | grep -q 'success="0"'; then
- echo "Error message from imgur:" >&2
- msg="${response##*<error>}"
- echo "${msg%%</error>*}" >&2
- errors=true
- continue
- fi
- # Parse the response and output our stuff
- url="${response##*<link>}"
- url="${url%%</link>*}"
- delete_hash="${response##*<deletehash>}"
- delete_hash="${delete_hash%%</deletehash>*}"
- echo "$file: $url" | sed 's/^http:/https:/'
- echo "Delete page: https://imgur.com/delete/$delete_hash" >&2
- # Append the URL to a string so we can put them all on the clipboard later
- clip+="$url"
- if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
- clip+=$'\n'
- fi
- done
- # Put the URLs on the clipboard if we can
- if type pbcopy &>/dev/null; then
- echo -n "$clip" | pbcopy
- elif [ $DISPLAY ]; then
- if type xsel &>/dev/null; then
- echo -n "$clip" | xsel
- elif type xclip &>/dev/null; then
- echo -n "$clip" | xclip
- else
- echo "Haven't copied to the clipboard: no xsel or xclip" >&2
- fi
- else
- echo "Haven't copied to the clipboard: no \$DISPLAY or pbcopy" >&2
- fi
- if $errors; then
- exit 1
- fi
Raw Paste