- [v1.0-v1.39] Trainer Punch Club (Plus 10)
- ___Hotkeys - Effects____
- HOME Active Trainer
- Num1 Infinite Health
- Num2 Infinite Food
- Num3 Infinite Mood
- Num4 Infinite Energy
- Num5 Infinite Fame
- Num6 Infinite Money
- Num7 Infinite Skill Points
- Num8 Max Gain Training end of day
- Num9 Fight: Auto Win!
- Num0 Game: Super Speed
- Notes:
- -- Get ready to fight then activate "Fight: Auto Win"
- -- Get finished the day then activate "Max Gain Training"
- Enjoy!
- _________ DOWNLOAD ________________
- https://www.up-4ever.net/saoy4uoq8hse
- https://dgdrive.xyz/gq7u30le7x8z
- https://3upload.com/hqg0h7o0vtg7
- https://www.file-upload.org/fu3bn202imfb
- https://up-load.io/5o5ebz2rm3j0
- https://modsfire.com/3Y1AVM59cqO554e
- https://mega4upload.com/ebfju9baz1vr
- _-__-__-__-__-__-__-__-__-__-__-__-__-__
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